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Our Story

We are first and foremost gamers. We are extremely passionate about gaming and everything that relates to it. Our passion for gaming began from a really young age with old-school classic games like Super Mario Bros and Banjo Tooie. This passion grew as video games became more and more popular. One of the major factors that managed to build even more interest in gaming for us, was the regular improvement of gaming hardware that allowed games to become the visual marvels that they are today.

While we love games and the gaming consoles that allow us to play them, we have recently started to face some issues with some of this hardware. In other words, our desire for improvement has not been met with sufficient satisfaction by some hardware components. We strongly believe that there is a great need for improvement in hardware components especially controller grips.

While grips for the current consoles including Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo, have come a long way, we feel that there is still room for improvement. We are not saying that the grips are completely bad, we just believe that some people prefer different features in the grips of their controllers and that certainly is the case for us. It has been clear to us that there is a lack of customizability in terms of controller grips and it would certainly be a lot better if there was some.

Customizability can be in terms of the amount of grip that new grips would provide and, it can also be in terms of design and color. Customizability in terms of color and design is also a big deal for gamers who prefer aesthetics over all other things. This need for good quality grips that could offer a variety in terms of design and performance benefits is what gave rise to Fatal Grips.

At Fatal Grips, our primary focus is to change the gaming industry with high-quality customizability options for controller grips. To achieve this goal, we have placed immense emphasis on selecting the best quality materials and, creating many variations in terms of design, overall feel, and color for the grips that we produce.

As we have already mentioned that we are gamers and we understand that gamers, including ourselves, can have different preferences when it comes to aesthetics and grip. Some gamers prefer to have cute paw-themed grips because maybe they like pets or cute animals. While others may prefer glow-in-the- dark purple grips because they have a gaming setup with purple LED lights.

 Some gamers prefer a different feel to their grips. This is especially true for competitive gamers. The grip design and the way it cups your thumbs can have a great effect on the in-game performance of gamers. Our grips are designed to provide the optimal amount of softness and grip that can help boost the performance of gamers.

In conclusion, the main reason why Fatal Grips came into existence is the dire need for customizability options when it comes to controller grips. People have different tastes and preferences when it comes to the colors and design of grips. We hope to fulfill this need with zero compromises on quality.